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Tag: dental implants

5 Key Facts About Dental Implants You Should Know

It is not unusual for the team here at Absolute Smiles to spend much of our time answering questions and addressing our patients’ concerns. We are sure this is no different from any other clinical facility where medical and surgical procedures occur. Dentist Bassendean welcomes the opportunity to answer those questions and, in particular, if one of those answers renders any concern or worry a patient may have as resolved.

It is no secret that the more a person knows about a medical condition or treatment, the more at ease they are. Not knowing everything about something often causes worry rather than the medical procedure. With that in mind, we thought it would be helpful to provide some of the core information relating to dental implants, and if it means just one person reading this has one of their concerns about dental implants put aside, then it will have been worth it.

Key Fact #1: Dental Implants – What They Are And What Are They For?

As you might expect, the first fact explains precisely what they are and why anyone would want them. Its primary purpose is replacing missing teeth after someone has lost or had one extracted. Their main construction consists of the base, usually made from a hard metal such as titanium, fused into the jawbone.

The rest of the implant will depend on whether the patient needs to replace one tooth, two teeth, or multiple teeth. In principle, these will all consist of an attachment device, usually a screw connecting to the implants previously fitted to the jawbone. The final part is the ‘tooth’, generally made from a shaped ceramic or acrylic material and coloured to match the other teeth.

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8 Common Causes Of Missing Teeth In Adults

If you were to ask 100 dentists to give a reason why teeth might fall out, the vast majority of answers are likely to be related to patients not taking care of their teeth properly. Whilst these id certainly one of the primary causes of teeth falling out, you might be surprised to learn that there are many, many more. We cannot list every single one of them, but to get you started, here are 8 common causes of tooth loss in adults.

Bone Deterioration: Obviously, we are speaking here about the jawbone in which your teeth would normally be strongly secured when it is healthy. However, if your jawbone’s density starts to deteriorate, which can happen for a number of health reasons, then your teeth can become loose, making them, more prone to falling out.

Not Flossing: Dentists such as, often hear patients strenuously claim that they brush their teeth regularly, however, despite what you might think, brushing is normally not enough. In addition, you should be flossing as this will remove any stubborn fragments of food which brushing misses, plus flossing removes dental plaque, which attacks the gums, and damaged gums can mean loose teeth.

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3 Tips For Helping Children Learn To Care For Their Teeth

There are many elements of our lives as adults that are often heavily influenced by what we learned or experienced as children, and when it comes to oral health, your dentist will tell you that teaching children how to look after their teeth and gums at an early age, should see them continue this into their adulthood.

Obviously, if you are responsible for a child, you will no doubt have many priorities for them in terms of what they learn, and dental care might not be one at the top of that priority list, but it should be. Just as you teach them many ways to stay safe and healthy, educating a child about their oral health, can only benefit them, throughout their childhood, and beyond.

One thing which must be borne in mind, whilst there are many parts of a child’s upbringing that can seem complicated or requires a lot of investment with respect to time and patience, helping them to learn how to care for their teeth and gums correctly is not one of them. There are also steps you can take to make it part of their routine. With that in mind, here a three simple tips to help you teach your child the benefits of proper oral hygiene, and how they can achieve it.

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