Health, Lifestyle, Wellbeing Tips & Advice

Our Top 3 Health Tips

Our Top 3 Health Tips

Mojo’s Health & Wholefoods love this time of year! Why? Because now is the time to make those small sustainable changes that will make such a difference to your overall health in 2019. Here are the best three changes to begin your year:

1. Drink water!

It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to keep your body hydrated. Consumption of water is associated with a number of health benefits, including flushing out toxins, increased energy, improved cognitive function as well as helping the body to break down food thereby boosting your metabolism. Take your reusable bottle wherever you go and take regular sips to achieve your 2 litres a day.

2. Eat real food!

Easier said than done we know! But drop the Uber Eats at least from Monday to Friday and stick to home cooked meals with lots of vegetables and wholegrains. Try doing a meal planner on Sunday evening and stick to it. And if you must eat out, choose the smarter options on the menu such as steak and vegetables, or pastas with tomato based sauces.

3. Stress less by NOT following the fads!

We know lots of our customers thrive on paleo or keto lifestyles or feel better on a gluten free diet. But ask yourself – ‘What foods make YOU feel bad and what foods make YOU feel good?’ Research has shown that the stress hormone cortisol may be linked to an increase in abdominal fat cells so the less we stress about what other people are doing and focus on ourselves the better we will be.

Nothing is more precious or priceless than your body and your health so add it to the top of your list of resolutions for 2019.

Need a BPA free drink bottle? Try one from the Cheeki range.

Grab a bottle of naturally alkalised water from Alkalise Now. Their 1.5 litre will hit your daily water target!